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Current Abortion Access

Currently in Montana abortion is legal up to 22 weeks gestation. There are six abortion clinics across the state that offer chemical abortion, suction abortion and D&E abortions. These clinics are located in Billings, Great Falls, Helena, Missoula (2 clinics) and Whitefish. 

In the landmark case State v. Armstrong in 1999, the Montana Supreme Court affirmed that the right to privacy, outlined in the Montana State Constitution, includes the right to an abortion. In 2024, this court also affirmed that minors have the right to obtain an abortion without receiving parental consent or notification. 

What is Constitutional Initiative 128? (CI - 128)

​Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion advocates are bringing forth a  proposed amendment to the Montana State Constitution.  This amendment would add a right to an abortion directly into the state constitution. The full language of the amendment is below.  However, abortion is already legal in Montana up to 22 weeks gestation age.  We have a long standing right to an abortion already worked into our constitution under the right to privacy.  The landmark Supreme Court case of State v. Armstrong assured this right to all Montanans.

This new amendment is not only  redundant  but it is also written so  vague  that there would be other  negative consequences for all Montanans.  This includes removing women’s rights, increased sex trafficking, and tax payer funded abortions. This would also expand abortion access to include late term abortions, up to 9 months of pregnancy. 


At Abort Ignorance Montana we believe that this constitutional amendment is

TOO EXTREME for Montana.

We encourage you to VOTE NO on CI-128.


If CI-128 fails at the ballot this November, women will still have abortion access in Montana up to 22 weeks of pregnancy, they will still be able to visit the 6 abortion clinics in our state, and their abortion rights will still be protected under our state constitution.​ We will be able to access all of that WITHOUT the added consequences that CI-128 would bring to Montana. 


Please, Vote NO on CI-128.


Find more information about this initiative below and use these materials to educate your vote!

Full Ballot Language👇🏼

What would it mean for MT?

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Why Should You Vote NO?

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Message us for updates, calls-to-action, and more information about CI - 128. 

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